Chancellor's Leadership Cabinet announced

  • Marlana Boyett of Paris, Business Technology;
  • Jameelah Coley of Morrilton, Health Information Technology;
  • Eddie Hesslen of Paris, Computer Information Systems;
  • Valorie Hubbs of Van Buren, General Studies.
  • Belinda Lyons of Solgohachia, Health Information Technology/Physical Therapist Assistant;
  • Jeri Nixon of Fort Smith, Registered Nursing;
  • Jerry Schoe of Ozark, Automotive Service Technology;
  • Alix Sewell of Paris, Practical Nursing;
  • Pam Thompson of Mansfield, Human Services.
  • By working with the campus administration, CLC members advance Arkansas Tech-Ozark’s mission through outreach and support of the communities it serves as part of the Tech family. Chancellor Bruce Sikes said, “Students in CLC are given the opportunity to learn about how the campus functions, from an administrative perspective. In turn, they’re empowered by that knowledge when interacting with peers.”

