Summer Academy 2022 River Valley Public Service Cadets

ATU Hosts Academy for Students With Desire to Serve

A group of 14-to-20 year olds with an interest in service spent the week of June 27-July 1 on the Arkansas Tech University campus in Russellville as participants in the 2022 River Valley Public...
CASE Institute at ATU 2022

Ag Teachers from Around U.S. Attend Institute at ATU

Agricultural educators representing eight states convened at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville June 19-30 to participate in the 2022 Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) Institute hosted by the ATU Department of Agriculture. The K-12...
ATU Upward Bound Summer 2022 Interview Subjects

“I Can See College Right There and I Know I Can Do It:” ATU...

Before he enrolled in the Upward Bound program at Arkansas Tech University, Nathaniel Sparks of Lamar thought college was beyond his grasp. Now, he has an interest in studying international business as a means of...
ATU JUST MOU Signing 6-21-2022

ATU Seeks to Expand International Opportunities

Arkansas Tech University and Jordan University of Science and Technology have entered into a memorandum of understanding that calls for the two institutions of higher learning to promote scholarly activities and international understanding through...
ATU First Generation Institute June 2022

First Gen Students Learn About Opportunities at ATU

Oswaldo Lira still has one year of high school remaining, but he's already made a personal commitment to continue his education on a higher level. "I want to do it as a thank you to...
Arkansas Tech University Campus Entrance Russellville

New Online Arkansas Tech Calendar Debuts

Arkansas Tech University has created a new online calendar designed to inform its internal and external audiences about on-campus events of general interest. The calendar, which is viewable at, lists events that are open...
ATU Night with the Travelers File Photo

ATU Alumni Night at the Ballpark August 13

Arkansas Tech University alumni and friends will gather in North Little Rock for the 2022 ATU Alumni Association Night at Dickey-Stephens Park on Saturday, Aug. 13. Each $10 ticket includes admission to the Texas League...
ATU Miss Arkansas Representatives 2022

Five ATU Representatives to Compete at Miss Arkansas

Four Arkansas Tech University students and one ATU graduate will be among the candidates vying for the title of Miss Arkansas 2022 this summer. Olivia Battles of Ozark, Kristin Hardy of Benton, Alli Beth King...
ASBTDC Logo 2019

Cash Flow Tips for Business Focus of June 15 Event

The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center regional office at Arkansas Tech University will offer a training workshop entitled “Keep the Cash Flowing: Cash Flow 101” on Wednesday, June 15. The session will take...
ATU Summer Camps

ATU Schedules 2022 Summer Camps

Arkansas Tech University offers a variety of camps and experiences that are designed to enrich the summer of youth from the Arkansas River Valley and beyond. Below is a list of camps scheduled for summer...