Arkansas Tech University students and alumni will have an opportunity to visit with potential employers during the fall 2016 Career Fair Week, which will be hosted by Norman Career Services beginning Tuesday, Sept. 27.
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics majors are invited to a STEM Career Fair featuring more than 45 employers on Tuesday, Sept. 27. The fair will take place from 1-4 p.m. in W.O. Young Building Ballroom.
An Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Career Fair is set for Wednesday, Sept. 28, from 1-4 p.m. in Young Ballroom. More than 20 employers are scheduled to attend. This fair is for all students interested in the agriculture, food and natural resources industries.
The final fair for the fall 2016 semester is an All Majors Career Fair on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 1-4 p.m. in Tucker Coliseum. More than 65 employers seeking candidates from all major fields of study will be in attendance.
Those attending the career fairs will find opportunities for full-time employment, part-time employment and internships.
Students taking part in the fairs should wear business attire and have resumes to distribute to potential employers.
Students who attend the fairs will be entered to win an iPad Mini. One will be given away as a door prize at each fair.
Visit the Norman Career Services website for more information.