Business Internship Workshop Today

The College to Career Center in the College of Business will host an Internship Workshop today to help students become “career ready” upon graduation.

The workshop will be held from 2:30-3:30 p.m. in Rothwell 138. All students interested in business are invited to attend. Topics will include:

  • How to obtain an internship
  • How to complete and submit résumés, references, letters of recommendation, etc.
  • Steps to contact a company about an internship
  • Available summer internships
  • Applications for internships
  • Helpful resources

Deadlines for summer internship applications are approaching as the Spring semester reaches mid-term. Officials in the College to Career Center encourage students to make plans now.

Additionally, they suggest internships as a great opportunity available for students to gain professional development and experience in the field in which they are most interested.

Local businesses can benefit from having a student intern, as they can utilize student knowledge for a short period of time for the betterment of the company.

Businesses interested in hosting an internship should contact the College to Career Center as soon as possible.

For more information, contact the College to Career Center at 479.880.4228.
