The Arkansas Tech University Department of History and Political Science has scheduled a series of events in observance of Constitution Day 2018.
On Monday, Sept. 17, more than 100 ATU student volunteers assisted faculty members in presenting 30-minute lessons on the U.S. Constitution to students at Dwight Elementary School, Sequoyah Elementary School and Crawford Elementary School.
An hour-long presentation on the document that founded the United States of America was made to approximately 300 students at Russellville Junior High School.
The 2018 ATU commemoration of Constitution Day will continue with a reading of the U.S. Constitution during Party at the Plaza before the Arkansas Tech home football game on Saturday, Oct. 6. The reading was originally scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 22, but was moved due to inclement weather.
The U.S. Constitution was adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pa., on Sept. 17, 1787.
In 2004, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia championed a new law that designated Sept. 17 of each year as Constitution Day. Public schools and institutions of higher learning across the United States are required to provide educational programs about the document on Constitution Day.
Dr. Michael Rogers, professor of political science, and Dr. Jeff Pearson, associate professor of history, are co-chairs for the ATU Constitution Day committee.
Learn more about the ATU Department of History and Political Science.