Arkansas Tech University-Ozark Campus played several roles in the 2017 Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce’s annual Manufacturing Week to coincide with National Manufacturing Day, held the first Friday of October each year.
Baldor Electric Company, the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith and several other partners also collaborated for the week-long event.
On Tuesday, Oct. 3, Fort Smith area ninth grade engineering and technology students were served lunch and given a tour of Baldor. In addition to touring the facility, they heard from representation at UAFS; Jason Green, vice president for human resources at ABB/Baldor; Jessica Birchler, ATU-Ozark director of career pathways; Heather Nelson, ATU-Ozark logistics management program chair; and Marcus Smith, ATU-Ozark automation instructor.
Ozark representatives also spoke to local industries at the Fort Smith Chamber on Tuesday, Oct. 3, for a Lunch and Learn and presented to the Fort Smith Area Junior Leadership Academy on Wednesday, Oct. 4.
“ATU-Ozark was proud to be asked by the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce to serve as a partner in their Manufacturing Week,” said Justin Smith, chief business and community outreach officer at ATU-Ozark. “We had several opportunities to speak to both students and industry about our campus and its programs related to manufacturing, particularly in automation technology. National Manufacturing Week is a very useful opportunity to put focus on the workforce needs in this sector and show students these jobs are high tech, well paying, and in-demand. It is these types of events that can help prove to students, parents, and our communities that manufacturing should be a sought after career field with numerous growth opportunities.”
ATU-Ozark will also host its own Manufacturing Day on Wednesday, Oct. 18, in Russellville. Arkansas Tech Career Center (ATCC) automation students will tour Rockline Industries that morning and Bridgestone Americas Tube Business that afternoon.
For more information about this event, contact Smith at (479) 508-3348.