ASBTDC Anounces February Seminars

Area small businesses will have the opportunity to attend a variety of training sessions regarding business operations throughout the month of February.

The sessions are hosted by the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, and the seminars will cover many topics including business strategies and how to market a business in a tough economy.

The regional office of the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center is housed at Arkansas Tech, and it is designed to assist new, existing and expanding businesses by offering a variety of services including consulting, training and market research.

The following seminars will be offered in February:

  • Essential Skills of Leadership – Friday, Feb. 3, 8 a.m.-noon, Russellville City Hall Conference Room; Cost is $40. Presenter is Terry Barclay of Performance Solutions.
  • How to Write a Business Plan – Tuesday, Feb. 7, 9 a.m.-noon, Russellville Chamber of Commerce; Cost is $35. Presenter is Cass Capen-Housley of the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center.
  • Starting a Business in Arkansas: Part III Spanish Version – Tuesday, Feb. 7, 4:30-7:30 p.m., Danville United Methodist Church; Cost is $30. Presenter is James Dill.
  • Basics of Selling on eBay – Saturday, Feb. 11, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Arkansas Tech University Rothwell Hall Room 133; Cost is $90 and includes lunch and student handbook. Presenter is Dr. Jim Walton from Arkansas Tech University.
  • Intermediate QuickBooks – Monday, Feb. 13, 2-5 p.m Arkansas Tech University Rothwell Hall Room 133; Cost is $65. Presenter is Brandon Morris of Baron’s Inc.
  • Restaurant 101 Lunch and Learn – Wednesday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Lake Point Conference Center; Cost is $35 and includes lunch. Presenter is Steve Lucchi of SCORE.
  • Essential Skills of Communication – Friday, Feb. 24, 8 a.m.-noon, Russellville City Hall Conference Room; Cost is $40. Presenter is Terry Barclay of Performance Solutions.

Those wishing to attend a seminar can register by calling the ASBTDC at 479-356-2077 or register online.
