More than 20 Arkansas Tech University students, faculty, staff and alumni will begin preparing for several Arkansas Radio Theatre productions.
The group is part of the Arkansas Tech University Speech, Theatre and Journalism Department and rehearses and records several works each semester that are broadcast of KXRJ 91.9 FM.
This fall the group will be rehearsing “The Children of the Zodiac”, “Mary Postgate” and “The Five Little Peppers Merry Christmas”. Each production is scheduled to air during 2012. The production “The Five Little Peppers Merry Christmas” will also be aired this December as part of the station’s holiday programming.
The following individuals have been selected to perform in the works being recorded this semester:
- Avery Coonts
- Gina Lucas
- Leighann Dicks
- Molly Pattullo
- Dr. Wilson
- William Vorster
- Michael Godsey
- Harrison Dean
- Jessica Osborne
- Jayne Sewell
- Sam McKinzie
- Momoko Aizawa
- Lance Caldwell
- John Middleton
- Jake Bailey
- Dr. Enchelmayer
- Sarah Plummer
- Sam Leavell
- Ronda Petray
- Cory Williams
- Colton Holder
- Curtis Lanning
- Quinton Jones
The fall schedule of broadcasts will get underway on Saturday, September 24. Several rebroadcasts are planned in addition to three new broadcasts. “Merlin and Vivien”, “Sherlock Holmes and the Yellow Face” and “The Five Little Peppers Merry Christmas” will hit the airwaves for the first time this fall.
For more information about Arkansas Radio Theatre,