Apply for Spring ’19 eTech Certification Course

The College of eTech invites full-time Arkansas Tech University faculty members to participate in its certification course during the spring 2019 semester.

The course is a six-week hybrid class that will include three face-to-face meetings. Participants will learn about best practices for teaching and learning online.

Application deadline for the spring 2019 eTech certification course is Friday, Jan. 25, at 5 p.m. The course will be limited to 16 full-time faculty members. Selection will be based upon strength of application. Previous online teaching experience is not required.

As an incentive for completion, faculty will receive $500 in their departmental budgets to be utilized this fiscal year. Possible uses include office supplies, assistance with conference travel and more.

Visit to view a video with more details, download the application for the program and learn more about the course.

Faculty members seeking additional information may contact Dr. Mark Mitchell, instructional designer for the College of eTech, at