Apply for 2022-23 ATU Undergrad Research Funding

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The Arkansas Tech University Office of Undergraduate Research invites applications for funds to support Undergraduate Research Scholars (URS) for the 2022-23 academic year.

Funding for URS includes up to $2,000 in project support (including supplies and travel), as well as $250 award upon completion of the project. Due to limitations in available funding, it is expected that competition will be strong for these grants.

The following is a description of the support available and application process. Applications should be submitted to Dr. Nate Chapman and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs no later than Friday, April 29. Please e-mail for more information.

Applications for URS in all academic disciplines will be considered for funding. Applications may focus on investigation of questions of interest to the faculty mentor.

URS awards are subject to the following conditions:

  • URS applicants are required to have a faculty mentor with an appropriate project supported by the proposal.
  • A mentoring plan will be required as a component of the proposal.
  • URS will present their results in the ATU Senior Honors and Undergraduate Research Symposium (student presentations are preferred) as a means of providing a forum for presentation and discussion of research and dissemination of results.
  • For the 2022-2023 grant cycle, grants will extend from the date of the award (anticipated as early as Aug. 1, 2022) to the end of the spring 2023 term.
  • A maximum of $2,000 is anticipated for the URS awards to cover the cost of material and travel expenses.
  • After the URS award is approved, budget transfers between different categories will not be allowed. Therefore, the proposal’s budget should be prepared according to the needs in each category.
  • All requisitions for items previously approved on the grant application must be done no later than April 29, 2023.
  • A final report containing research results will be submitted to the ATU Office of Undergraduate Research by June 1, 2023.

All travel must be in accordance with current ATU policies in effect during the grant period and approved by the appropriate department head, dean and vice president.

A URS award review committee consisting of ATU faculty and administrators will use the following criteria to evaluate faculty research proposals:

  • Quality of the student applicant as measured by GPA and potential/plans for graduate education and a research career.
  • Scientific or academic merit of the proposed research.
  • Appropriateness of the scope of the proposed activity in the grant period.

Visit to learn more about the ATU Office of Undergraduate Research.