Arkansas Tech University will confer more than 1,000 degrees during four commencement ceremonies at John E. Tucker Coliseum in Russellville this weekend.
Arkansas Tech will host a commencement ceremony for its Graduate College at 7 p.m. on Friday, May 11.
Graduates from the College of Arts and Humanities and the College of Applied Sciences will walk in a 10 a.m. ceremony on Saturday, May 12.
The 2 p.m. commencement exercises on Saturday will feature graduates from the College of Business, the College of Education, the College of Natural and Health Sciences, the College of Professional Studies and Community Outreach and those earning an associate degree.
The final commencement ceremony of the weekend will be for students from Arkansas Tech-Ozark Campus. Their graduation will begin at 5:30 p.m. Saturday.
In all, students from the main campus in Russellville will receive approximately 840 degrees and students from the satellite campus in Ozark will receive approximately 200 degrees during the four commencement ceremonies.
The 10 a.m. Saturday ceremony will also include the induction of Major General Ronald S. Chastain of Conway, Bill “Sleepy” Curtis of Marianna and Dr. Jo Neighbors Harper of Fort Smith into the Arkansas Tech Hall of Distinction.
Chastain and Harper will be inducted under the Distinguished Alumni category, while Curtis will be inducted under the Distinction in Intercollegiate Athletics category. Selection for the Arkansas Tech Hall of Distinction is the highest honor the university can bestow upon an individual.
Click here for more information about Arkansas Tech commencement.