We need ATU – Ozark students to rally this fall semester to assist the Student Government Association (SGA) with stocking the shelves of the Green and Gold Cupboard Food Pantry. The pantry room is located in the Allied Health building. The pantry allows anyone with a food need to take something or to leave non-perishable food items for those in need. To assist SGA in stocking the pantry, we plan to hold a little friendly competition—a food fight—to see which team can raise the most donations.
Q. How does it work?
Students put together a team to compete in the “Food Fight”. Teams may have up to five members. Give your team a cool name and then register your team here: https://forms.gle/rACsmGsu7CUL99TT7
Q. What will you take?
Any non-perishable, NON-EXPIRED food can be donated. Cans, boxed dinners, rice, beans, and other packaged dry foods are accepted. Hygiene products—toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, etc.—are also welcome and very much needed. You can deliver your food donations to the Student Services office.
Q. How do we win?
Each item of non-expired food will count as 1 point.
These badly needed items will count for 2 points:
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Boxed Meals
- Cereal and Oatmeal
- Deodorant/Shampoo/Body Wash/Toothpaste
- Canned Ravioli/Spaghettios/Beefaroni
Additionally 3 Points, instead of 2 points, will be given for each the following select items during a specific week of the Food Fight.
- Week 1 (Sept. 30th-Oct. 4th) – Boxed Meals (such as Hamburger Helper, instant potatoes, etc.)
- Week 2 (Oct. 7th-Oct. 11th) – Canned Fruit
- Week 3 (Oct. 14th- Oct. 18th) – Cereal and Oatmeal
- Week 4 (Oct. 21st- Oct. 25th) – Canned Ravioli.Spaghettios/Beefaroni
Q. What do we win?
The winning team will get the first choice of one of three prizes. The second place team will get the next choice of prize, and the third place team will receive the last remaining prize. Everyone will also receive a sense of satisfaction for helping out your fellow staff, faculty and students.
Q. How long does the drive last?
Kickoff will begin September 30th and the drive ends on October 25th. Points will be tallied each week and teams will be notified of their weekly standing. The standings will also be posted on the windows of the office of Student Services for everyone to see. The top three teams will be announced and given their prizes the following Thursday, October 31st, at the campus Halloween Costume Contest, located in the Student Services Conference Room 117A at 11am.
Questions or to arrange a pickup:
Brooke Stubblefield
(479) 508-3369