ATU Observes Constitution Day 2020

The Arkansas Tech University Department of History and Political Science conducted a pandemic-altered version of its annual Constitution Day observance during September 2020.

The commemoration was highlighted by a video recording of the preamble of the United States Constitution.

In addition, Dr. Michael Rogers, ATU professor of political science, created a video game that can be utilized to help teach the U.S. Constitution and a “Jeopardy” style PowerPoint that allows students to test their knowledge of the U.S. Constitution was provided to the faculty at Russellville Junior High School.

The U.S. Constitution was adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pa., on Sept. 17, 1787.

In 2004, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia championed a new law that designated Sept. 17 of each year as Constitution Day. Public schools and institutions of higher learning across the United States are required to provide educational programs about the document on Constitution Day.

Learn more about the ATU Department of History and Political Science at