Participation by local dignitaries and more than 100 Arkansas Tech University student volunteers highlighted ATU’s 2024 Constitution Day observance, which took place on Tuesday, Sept. 17.
The annual U.S. Constitution reading at Arkansas Tech was conducted at Hindsman Tower. Pope County Judge Ben Cross, Russellville Mayor Fred Teague and ATU Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Dr. Adolfo Santos were among the readers.
Dr. Jeffrey Pearson, ATU associate professor of history, presided over the U.S. Constitution reading. Megan Bell, ATU coordinator of civic and community engagement and leadership development, organized voter registration tables as part of the event.
Dr. Debra Murphy, ATU associate professor of curriculum and instruction, and more than 20 ATU students provided Constitution Day learning activities to third and fourth grade students at Dwight Elementary School in Russellville.
Meanwhile, Dr. Michael Rogers, ATU professor of political science, and an additional two dozen ATU students reached 400 eighth grade students at Russellville Junior High School with a lesson on the U.S. Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution was adopted by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pa., on Sept. 17, 1787.
In 2004, Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia championed a new law that designated Sept. 17 of each year as Constitution Day. Public schools and institutions of higher learning across the United States are required to provide educational programs about the document on Constitution Day.
Learn more about the ATU Department of History and Political Science at www.atu.edu/history.