Natural and Health Sciences Honors Students

McEver Hall Classroom File Photo

The Arkansas Tech University College of Natural and Health Sciences has announced several end-of-year awards in recognition of students’ achievements during the 2019-20 academic year.

The following awards are typically announced at an annual student awards convocation, but that event was cancelled this year due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Outstanding Biology Student
Madeline Spanel

Outstanding Wildlife Student
Ross Balkman

Outstanding Fisheries Student
Alyssa Mostrom

Outstanding Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Student
Zach Dailey

Rip Collins Memorial Scholarship
Alyssa Mostrom

Quail Unlimited/Jim Ed McGee Scholarship
Alyssa Mostrom

Most Outstanding Mathematics Education Student
Bryanna Burris

Most Outstanding Mathematics Student
Bowen Kinsey

Richard Cohoon Endowed Field Camp Scholarship
Ria Mukherjee

Vic Vere Endowed Field Camp Scholarship
Jessica Buenrostro

American Chemical Society Analytical Chemistry Achievement Award
Sydney L. Webb

American Chemical Society Organic Chemistry Achievement Award
Charles Conkin

American Chemical Society Physical Chemistry Achievement Award
Ben Quattlebaum

Biochemistry Achievement Award
Ty Whitten

Freshman Chemistry Achievement Award
Brooke Rainwater

Outstanding Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award
Spencer Parnell

Most Outstanding Chemistry Student (Dr. David R. Matayo Award)
Ben Quattlebaum

Physics Senior Fellowship
Brycelynn Bailey

Most Outstanding Physics Student
Winter Allen

Learn more about the ATU College of Natural and Health Sciences at