“What seems like the end is often the beginning.”
These words ring true as college students everywhere prepare to take the next step into the adult world. As a senior, the thought of “What’s Next?” stays in the back of my mind. Life after college is full of unknowns, changes, and challenges but the skills we develop at Arkansas Tech prepare us for whatever comes next.
For some of us, the next few years of our lives will consist of more education, whether that’s graduate school, gaining certifications or licensures, or internships. Others will be immediately immersed into the workforce. No matter the path we take, life is sure to be different after college.
Change can be scary, but Arkansas Tech has provided each and every one of us with the skills we need to face the future head-on and make it ours.

Students at ATU are no strangers to challenges. Many of us are first-generation college students. Many of us are working our way through a degree one class at a time. Many of us are pursuing higher education to create a better life for our families and ourselves.
Arkansas Tech University is comprised of resilient, gritty and tenacious students. The support system of faculty, staff and students at ATU creates an environment where students work hard and never back down from a challenge.
At ATU, we learn that being proud is not always a bad thing. This university instills pride in its students, making sure we understand that who we are and where we come from is something to be proud of.
Personally, I am very proud to be a member of the ATU family. I am proud of the success I have been able to achieve during my time as a student. I am proud to know that each and every one of my fellow students are given the opportunity to grow into the best version of themselves.

College gives us the opportunity to decide who we really are and to become the person that we truly want to be, and Arkansas Tech promotes the importance of that journey for each student. As a freshman, there are many directions you can choose to go with your future.
ATU provides its students with endless leadership, civic engagement, and campus and community involvement opportunities. It is the choice of each student to take advantage of those opportunities.
What’s Next?
Regardless of what’s next, being proud of where we come from will remind us that we can accomplish anything. Arkansas Tech University allows us to grow into individuals that are ready for the future. Upon graduation, we can look back and reflect on the change we have experienced since moving into our residence halls freshman year and take comfort in knowing we are equipped with the skills we need to be successful and we will continue to grow into the best versions of ourselves.
The answer to the question, “What’s next?” is actually less important than the attitude and outlook with which we approach the next chapter of our lives. Just like in every good book, each chapter adds something important to the story, and Arkansas Tech has contributed many of the qualities we need to succeed in life after college.
“Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!”
Dr. Suess
The future is ours! Our “What’s next?” is waiting! Arkansas Tech has prepared us and we are on our way to bright futures!

By: Dakota Mooney
Dakota is a senior Rehabilitation Science major from Clinton, AR. He is a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, Order of Omega, The Interfraternity Council, and Student Government Association. He is also a tour guide for ATU Admissions and is the reigning Mr. Tech! After obtaining his bachelor’s degree from ATU, Dakota plans to pursue a doctorate in Physical Therapy.