SAB Lip Sync Battle Auditions Set for March 2-3

Lip Sync Battle

Arkansas Tech University students interested in auditioning for the 2021 ATU Student Activities Board Lip Sync Battle must complete and submit an audition packet by 5 p.m. Monday, March 1.

The packets are available for pick up in the ATU Student Involvement Center, which is located in Doc Bryan Student Services Center room 171. Interested parties may also contact LaBrian Phillips Jr. at to receive the packet by e-mail.

The auditions will take place on Tuesday, March 2, and Wednesday, March 3. Participants will have an opportunity to reserve a time to audition as part of the audition packet process.

Those advancing to the ATU SAB Lip Sync Battle finals will compete for a first-place prize of $600, a second-place prize of $300 and a third-place prize of $150 on Thursday, April 1.

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